How to regain or retain the normal strength after Dialysis?

How to regain the normal strength after Dialysis?
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       Depending on the tolerance of you body, here are the best things that you can do while on treatment in order to regain or maintain your normal strength right after dialysis.

1 Know body chemistry
2 Learn from your Doctor the things that are normal and higher than normal from your lab results.
3 Learn what foods to avoid and foods that are good for you.
4 Eat first before going into a dialysis treatment.
5  Know your tolerance to blood pumps. (some can resist up to 500 others only 250  )
6. If you have a problem with high bp know the right pump that fits  your tolerance. It may kill you during dialysis if it is going higher and higher while on dialysis.
7. Eating after dialysis is the first thing that will make you recover right away after 4 hours of dialysis.
8  Have a enough rest during and off dialysis schedule.
9  Have at least 8 hours of good sleep. Report to your Doctor if you experiencing difficulty in sleeping.
10. Always monitor your bp, and your health for any changes which maybe in some cases signs  of embalances in your system.

  The ;most important of all, do not forget to Pray to our Lord Almighty. Always ask for guidance and declare all of your sins unto God. Always be thankful for all the angels who have been a vessel of blessings for you.

 I hope this  post can help you guys.

Have fun and enjoy life.   Live a healthy life.

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