Monday, November 9, 2015

Danger in driving after hours of Dialysis Treatment

Things to watch-out for after you have just finished a Treatment session
         Many stories untold about people, patients having accidents after their treatment session in Dialysis. Me personally got 3 friends with same situation died in an accident while driving right after a Treatment session ,one of whom I have a chat with before he goes home and  bad things happened.


Check the following before driving:

1. Bp - make sure that  your blood pressure is normal before leaving the treatment facility.

2  Mental and Physical consciousness - check you stability in your mind and body, if your dizzy or feeling with weak. or sleepy do not drive.

3 Cramps - check and feel if part of your hands, legs or any part of your body have cramps. Do not drive while the feeling of having cramps or if feel like anytime about to happen.

4. Be causious - do not understimate a minor dizziness or hand shakiness. Wait until you are stable.

5. See if graft or needle entry points have been properly taped. It might accidentally be open due wond not properly clotted and taped.

6. Bring a mobile always - in case of anything happened with you along the way you can use it to call anyone for help.

7. Always bring sweet foods and candies to avoid untoward inccident when your sugar level goes down.

8. Do not forget to put an emergency kit inside your car. Including water.

9. Always check your car tire and gas before leaving. Do not forget to lock the doors too.

10 And finally,  Do not forget to Pray before you leave, Give thank to God and ask for protection and guidance.

Take care Guys,  have a safety Driving.

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